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... the standard for security companies
more value
All events in real time
With EVALARM Security you get the best possible overview of all events at your customers - in real time!
You receive all or only certain events - both in the web-based control center or on the smartphone app.
This enables you to provide the best possible support for your customers and employees on site and is always up-to-date on all important customer events and can react as quickly and as quickly as possible.
Reduced familiarization
With EVALARM Security you reduce the training period of your employees and thus reduce costs. At the same time you increase the quality.
Employees are given the best possible support in their activities - whether in the area or in property protection.
When processing events or carrying out inspection tours, your employees are led in a standardized manner and have all important information, depending on the situation or event, in direct access - so that everything runs as expected!
In this way, you not only reduce costs, but also ensure the quality standard.
Customer loyalty
With EVALARM Security, you can easily involve your customers in communication.
The responsible employees of the customer can be specifically informed in real time.
The conventional telephoning of telephone lists (alarm plan) is problematic in practice (current list, required time, accessibility, ...) and is no longer necessary with EVALARM Security.
Customers can access all events and logs if so desired.
Digitization and standardization
Instead of people using pen and paper to record details and pass them on to superiors who pass them on to customers, EVALARM Security does this task automatically - and reliably with the desired quality.
This saves a lot of time and effort. Accuracy is better and response to unwanted incidents is accelerated.
All information (documents, contact details, instructions, ...) can be updated easily and is therefore always up to date.
The requirements of data protection are taken into account, since sensitive data (e.g. pictures, contact details, confidential documents, etc.) are not physically accessible.
Easiest operation
The best software is useless if nobody can use it!
When developing EVALARM Security, we placed great emphasis on user friendliness.
Operation must be possible for the employees on site without much instruction.
technical equipment
With the option of simply connecting technical systems (e.g. machines, intrusion and fire alarm systems, etc.), you offer your customers a top-class technical innovation.
With EVALARM Security, you offer your customers the opportunity to professionally control alarm monitoring.
Support & knowledge management
We offer you exactly the support you need.
Our wiki leaves no question unanswered. Extensive tutorials and videos provide the necessary and easily understandable information.
You can also train your employees in our eLearning platform, whether as a simple user or as administrator of EVALARM Security.
You can ask any questions in our weekly webinars.
If you wish, you can also conclude an individual support contract with us and we are available to you in defined periods and response times.
We also offer you the necessary support when setting up or moving from an existing provider.
Quality Management
EVALARM Security supports you optimally in your quality management processes!
All events and actions are recorded in an audit-proof manner.
Quality Management

EVALARM Security supports you optimally in your quality management processes!
All events and actions are recorded in an audit-proof manner.